So I plug my addresses into Google maps and get a route. Mostly along a bike path. Along the way I discover something interesting. More bike paths! There were not on the map.
Earlier I had discovered Google maps now provided a map maker. This wonderful tool allows you to make edit to the map. After review and approval, then get pushed to the map for everyone to use.
I knew about one "path". The sidewalk near my street is signed as a bike route, and it's used a good bit, so Google should know about it.
At first, I bring up the satellite images, trace out these paved sidewalk paths and submit them. Come to find later that Google considers a side path marked as a bicycle route, that doesn't diverge from the street marks the street as having a bike lane.
This is one of the things that I've learned differ in the suburbs. Here, as opposed to the city, they will rip out a sidewalk, pave it, put a dividing line on and it sign it as a bike route. In a way it is a separated bike lane.
They almost never show up on a bike map, but now that Google allows edits, they can. Google also allows you to mark sidewalks and the cycling suitability of a road.
I urge everyone to check your local routes and mark any missing information with Google. It helps us all out. Find a road is really bad for cycling, mark that. A short path, mark that too.
Now, if you look at my neighborhood. You'll see many more "bike lanes" then before. Hopefully helping out other cyclists. I just hope these paths are taken care of in the winter.